Bintu Mujambere

Multiplying Solutions
Bintu Mujambere


After walking for more than 400 miles through the jungle, battling starvation and harassment to escape her war-ravaged home, Nabintu Mujambere and her family escaped the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The pain of this unimaginable journey only strengthened Bintu’s conviction to return and serve her home community in Bukavu.

Bintu attended university in Belgium, earning degrees in French Education and Business Sciences. While she was hundreds of miles away from home, her heart remained in Bukavu with the families and children suffering from conflict. 

Bintu returned in 2005 and was shocked at the destruction caused by years of war. The despair she experienced in her community was palpable. Compelled to help her people, Bintu started with what she knew: education. 

She created a refuge where people could hear a message of hope. 

This initiative developed into Future Hope Africa (FHA), an organization inspired by Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Serving as the Executive Director at FHA, Bintu is committed to creating educational opportunities for children, development opportunities for students to grow in faith and character, supporting business education, and providing microloans for entrepreneurs. 

Starting in Bukavu in the Eastern DRC, FHA works to bring hope to Africa by strengthening families and improving communities. 

Bintu attended the Abundant Leadership Institute (ALI) to grow her leadership abilities. She had low expectations for the first course, but Bintu says it “woke me up. I suddenly understood our problem in Africa by comparing scarcity leadership to abundant leadership.” She knew she wanted to share the news with others.

Later, when she attended ALI’s Empowering Leadership module, Bintu knew she had to go to Bukavu and teach what she was learning to her community. Bintu describes herself as the Samaritan woman from the Bible who, when she heard what Jesus was sharing, ran to tell others, “I know the answer!”

Over three weeks, she hosted workshops for 57 community members. Each of these leaders committed to doing something significant to contribute to the development of their community. Bintu taught the leaders the basics of three courses from ALI: Abundant Leadership, Asset-Based Community Development, and Empowering Leadership. She shared about the meaning of ‘kurumbuka’: multiplication.  Bintu asked, “Are we multiplying a good or bad seed?” She said, “This is where the abundant leadership principles come in, to help us improve ourselves so that we can multiply something good and be proud of it.” 

FHA continues to run high-quality, Christ-centered programs. Bintu started these initiatives with a dream to bring hope to those affected by decades of poor leadership and violence. Now, she sees that empowering her community will multiply the solutions the DRC needs so desperately. 

Bintu says, “In the Democratic Republic of Congo, many people think there will never be any improvement. Future Hope Africa is like a beacon in the darkness to remind people that God has not forgotten the DRC. He wants to use us to change things!” Bintu’s commitment to empowering more leaders and multiplying solutions also motivated her to become an ALI facilitator.

Bintu’s dream is to see a thriving Africa. After attending ALI and connecting to the Kurumbuka community, Bintu is more confident than ever that God has plans of hope for Africa.



Olivier Ndizeye


Hugues Hardy Ruremesha